Aloe Vera in ground

Growing lawn (grass) and allowing weeds around the base of trees is extremely detrimental to trees, especially fruit trees. Grass is very hungry and will absorb all nutrients and water before it can reach the tree's feeder roots. Plus it is a wasted space where more edibles and beneficial plants can be used instead.

A guild is a group of plants that work together to create a healthy ecosystem and biodiversity, which works symbiotically in conjunction with permaculture principles, and reduces the need for human intervention, herbicides and pesticides, etc. Nature will take care of the tree by attracting beneficial insects that will prey on harmful pests, feed the tree with rich nutrients and act as a living mulch to keep roots cool and soil moist plus many more benefits. They can be small and extend to the drip line or you can enlarge and eventually have them meeting up to form a complete food forest.

Layers and Function

(Legend: PA pollinator attractor; M medicinal; A accumulator (draw s nutrients from deep soil and brings them closer to surface feeder roots plus stores in their leaves and can be used as a chop and drop); E edible; CF cut flower; LM living mulch; PR pest repellent; I invasive so best to plant in a pot or keep a close eye on it.

  • Comfrey (A, M)
  • Bee Balm (PA)
  • Echinacea (M, PA)
  • Yarrow (PA, A, CF)
  • Pineapple Sage (P, E)
  • Borage (PA, A, E, LM)
  • Calendar (PA, M, E, PR)
  • Strawberries (LM, E)
  • Garlic (PR, E)
  • Violets (LM)
  • Onion Chives (PR, E, A)
  • Rhubarb (LM, E)
  • Elderberry (PA, M,E, M)
  • Blueberries/ Blackberries, Raspberries (E)
  • Nasturtiums (PR, E, LM)
  • Mint (E, PR, LM, I)
  • Beans (A, E)
  • Herbs: thyme, oregano, dill, catmint, basil. Most herbs are suitable
  • Flowers: marigolds, alyssum, zinneas or your favourites

I now have around 15 fruit trees and below are pictures of some of my personal guilds. Please keep it in mind that it is winter (dormancy period), the trees have only been planted around four months and have lost their leaves plus the guilds are only 2 weeks to 2 months old. By spring they will be filled out and fully in bloom. The annuals will then be replaced by perennials and more variety will be added in spring when seeds germinate and mature.

As I have said many times, gardens are personal taste and the above is only a guide and there are countless options to plant. Guilds can be functional and serve a purpose of food production. My guilds incorporate that but I also want aesthetic appeal and beauty is a main consideration so there will be a heavy floral component.

Also, l have started off with smaller guilds and will increase the sizes as the trees grow, when I have more compost made and time. In spring/summer, I will show you after pics.

Papaya and friends


Sheep sorrel, rosemary, chives, heliotrope, catmint, osteospermum, mushroom plant, lemon basil, warrigal, garlic, pineapple, geranium, dogbane.

Nectarine and friends


My little friend is looking for a bug and sharing time with me 💕
Holy basil, pineapple, marigold, alyssum, garlic, lemon catnip, dill, yarrow.

Black Sapote and friends


Petunia, lavender, salvia (Mystic Spires), marigold, yarrow, borage.
I increased the size this week and will add some compost and plant out in the next month.

Apple and friends


Comfrey, petunia, stock, lavender, garlic, lemon catnip.

Soursop and friends


Comfrey, petunia, stock, catmint, garlic, anise hyssop, tarragon.

Friendly birds


I have lived here for three years and have seen a few generations. Most eat grubs from my hand and fossick for grubs, etc as I garden. The magpies are mum and offspring and the two butcher birds are offspring of the original visitors.

I have nine butchers and three magpies who visit most days and feel very privileged that they trust me and share my home 🥰

 ðŸŒ± Happy gardening 🌱

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