Newsletter stats:

  • May 5
    - Opens 284 46.6%
    - Clicks 94 15.4%
  • May 19
    - Opens 266 43.6%
    - Clicks 40 06.6%
  • June 2
    - Opens 228 37.1%
    - Clicks 64 10.4%
  • June 16
    - Opens 285 46.5%
    - Clicks 51 8.3%

Website stats:

  • April
    Unique Visitors 929
    • Direct / Bookmark / email link: 1248
    • DuckDuckGo: 9
    • Bing: 3
    • Google: 2
    • Facebook: 52
  • May
    Unique Visitors 1057
    • Direct / Bookmark / email link: 2k
    • DuckDuckGo:3
    • Ecosia: 2
    • Google: 1
    • Facebook: 44


  1. We got an email from Jane Little about local produce linking to a national site that does deliver here in Gympie. The email gave no link to the site and looked a bit like spam.
  2. Most of the posts on Facebook are only getting between 30 and 100 views. Not real good for 1.2k members.
    • While our newsletter gets 250 +- opens.
    • So with content on website and linked from the newsletter, we get a much better hit rate.

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